The best time to drink matcha!

Sep 12, 2024
Matcha, a vibrant green powder packed with antioxidants and energy-boosting properties, is more than just a trendy drink. It's a versatile drink with great benefits for both your mind and body, but the timing of your matcha moment can make a big difference.  

Let's dive into the best times to enjoy a cup of matcha and maximise its power!

1. Morning Boost

Kickstart Your Day the Right Way

Waking up feeling sluggish? Matcha can be your secret weapon for a productive morning.

Matcha provides a sustained energy boost without the jitters or crashes often associated with coffee. With its rich nutrient profile and lower caffeine content than coffee, matcha is a healthier alternative to jumpstart your day. Enjoy a cup of matcha before heading to work or tackling your morning errands for focus and clarity.

2. Pre-Workout Power 

Fuel Your Fitness Routine

Matcha isn't just for mornings; it can also be a powerful pre-workout companion.

The caffeine in matcha can boost your endurance and help you push through your workout. Combining matcha with high-protein soy milk can help with muscle recovery after an intense training session. See if a cup of matcha can help you power through your workout!

3. Post-Meal Fix 

Combat the "Food Coma"

Feeling sluggish after a big meal? Matcha can help!

Matcha can aid digestion and help reduce bloating. It can help combat that post-lunch "food coma" and keep you alert for the rest of the afternoon. Enjoy a matcha latte or matcha tea to help you feel refreshed and energised after a meal.

4. Night Out Energy

Stay Focused Without Sacrificing Sleep

Planning a late night out? Matcha can be a great way to stay energised without sacrificing your sleep. 

The caffeine in matcha is released slowly, providing a gentle and sustained energy boost. While matcha is a good choice for late nights, be mindful not to consume it too close to bedtime as it may interfere with sleep. Stay alert and energised throughout your evening with a delicious cup of matcha.


No matter when you choose to enjoy it, matcha offers a unique blend of health benefits and delicious flavor. Experiment with different times of day and find the perfect YOOCHA MATCHA moment for you!